Transverse Polarization Observables
in standard photoproduction notation

16 polarization observables, for definition see e.g.
L.S. Barker, A. Donnachie, J.K. Storrow, Nucl. Phys. B 95 (1975) 347 or
G. Knoechlein, D. Drechsel, L. Tiator, Z. Phys. A 352 (1995) 327-343

DSG, T, P, S, E, F, G, H, Cx', Cz', Ox', Oz', Tx', Tz', Lx', Lz'

Channel: proton

Choose groups of observables:
DSG, T, P, S, E, F, G, H
Cx', Cz', Ox', Oz', Tx', Tz', Lx' 

Model input (on and off):
Background: Born  r (770) w(783)
Resonances:  S11(1535)  S11(1650)  P11(1710) P13(1720)
D13(1520)  D13(1700)  D15(1675) F15(1680)

Vector meson exchange: r and w poles r and w Regge trajectories 
Choose kinematical variables:

choose an independent (running) variable: Theta
choose values for W, Q, step size and maximum value:
W (MeV)
Theta (deg)
upper value

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